Event Report: Best Practices for using Amazon Distro for OpenTelemetry
On 7th June 2023, we hosted Michael Hausenblas on our Discord Community for a talk on "Best Practices for using Amazon Distro for OpenTelemetry".
Michael is extremely active in the OpenTelemetry space contributing to the project itself as well as running o11y.news newsletter which is a great place to know what is happening in the OpenTelemetry world.
Check out Michael's open source contributions - https://github.com/mhausenblas
In this talk, Michael covered the overview of Amazon Distro for OpenTelemetry or ADOT and how to use it with AWS-based applications. He touched upon various aspects of the whole flow including the OpenTelemetry collector and ways of scaling it suggesting tips.
Here are the slides from this talk:
Here is the recording of the talk:
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Read more about the difference between Prometheus vs. OpenTelemetry.